Jak voor een man


Bovenjak voor mannen. Het gebruik van de chŏgori als mannenjak is slechts weinig veranderd over een periode van tien eeuwen. De gewoonte om witte kleding te dragen is vooral beïnvloed door...

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Stichting Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen

Bovenjak voor mannen. Het gebruik van de chŏgori als mannenjak is slechts weinig veranderd over een periode van tien eeuwen. De gewoonte om witte kleding te dragen is vooral beïnvloed door Confucianistische opvattingen gedurende de Chosŏn-periode, waarbij voor dagelijks gebruik eenvoud, bescheidenheid en zuiverheid gewenst waren, in het bijzonder bij personen van gewone komaf. The chŏgori is a blouse-like garment, which is considered the most characteristically Korean, dating back to ancient times. In ancient Korea, the chŏgori was a unisex garment which reached the hips, had borders on collars and sleeves, and was fastened by a band at the waist. The sleeves were originally quite narrow, as suited the hunting and nomadic life of Koreans at that time and cold climate of the region. Over time, they gradually grew wider. The jeogori was fastened on the left in the early Koryŏ period, but the fastening changed to the right in later years. Collar and sleeve borders began to disappear during the Koryŏ dynasty, and the use of tie-strings became widespread. Sometime during the late Koryŏ to the early Chosŏn dynasties, chŏgori with colourful trim and open sides appeared. The chŏgori was worn to the waist in the early years of the Joseon dynasty, but from the mid-Chosŏn period they were shorter. While the woman's chŏgori changed repeatedly over time, the man's version has remained more or less the same in form and length since the Shilla period. At the same time, in traditional Korean garments, colour is used symbolically. White was the basic colour most widely used by the common people. It is said to symbolise a modest and pure spirit.


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